Larval stages. A microscope or good hand lens is required to adequately examine and distinguish the common larval stages of tick species. Even fully engorged larvae are less than 1.5 mm.
Nymph stages are no larger than a match head, even when engorged.
Adult ticks are match head up to large pea size with engorgement.
A newly attached adult female paralysis tick is about the size of a flattened match head, but as it swells it reaches the size of a pea. Fully engorged female paralysis ticks will be up to 13.2 mm long and 10.2 mm wide.
The following photograph of a Rhipicephalus sanguineus larva also shows just how small tick larvae can be: ie 3 of these body lengths would fit into just 1 mm!
The Paralysis Tick of Australia - Home
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