The following ticks have been recorded from dogs-
Ixodes australiensis (indigenous tick)- WA and Tas
Ixodes cornuatus (indigenous tick)- southeast coastal NSW, central Vic, Tas, may cause paralysis
Ixodes holocyclus (paralysis tick)- Qld to Bairnsdale in Vic, causes paralysis. See also Ixodes.
Ixodes hirsti (cat tick)- may cause paralysis
Ixodes tasmani (possum tick, opossum tick)- Tas, Vic, NSW, Qld, SA, WA
Ixodes myrmecobi (indigenous tick)- southwest of WA
Boophilus microplus (cattle tick)- Qld, NT, WA, northeastern NSW, rare on dogs; transmits the cattle blood parasites Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina
Haemaphysalis bancrofti (wallaby tick)- coastal Qld and NSW to Nowra, Kangaroo Is (SA)
Haemaphysalis longicornis (scrub tick, bush tick, New Zealand cattle tick)- southern coastal Qld, coastal NSW, northeastern Vic, esp Murray Valley; introduced from Japan. This tick has been in New Zealand since about 1900 and is now found around the Western Pacific rim and on some Pacific Islands including Hawaii and Vanuatu. It has only moderate vector potential. Does not transmit babesiosis. See also Haemaphysalis.
Rhipicephalus sanguineus (brown dog tick), mainly inland areas of Qld, WA, NSW, Vic, but found mostly in northern parts of Australia; introduced; This tick has a wide distribution throughout the world and is recorded from practically all countries between the latitudes 500 N and 350 S. The species has a small host range with the dog the main host. It is a vector for a wide range of infectious agents affecting dogs such as Haemobartonella canis, Hepatozoon canis, Babesia canis, Ehrlichia canis and E. platys. Of these Babesia canis at least, is found in Australia in the northern parts. Infection with Babesia canis may result in a symptomless carrier state or in disease ranging in severity from mild to severe and occasionally ending in death. See also the brown dog tick. See also Identification.
Amblyomma triguttatum queenslandense (ornate wallaby tick)- north Qld
Amblyomma triguttatum triguttatum (ornate kangaroo tick)- Qld, northern NSW, southwestern WA
Aponomma aurunginans (wombat tick)- southeastern Australia, rare on dogs
Ornithodoros gurneyi (inornate kangaroo tick)- widely found all States except Vic and Tas; the only "soft" tick commonly recorded on dog
Kelly JD: Canine Parasitology, Veterinary Review No 17; The Post-Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, 1977.
Malik R, Farrow, BRH: Tick Paralysis in North America and Australia, in The Veterinary Clinics of North America, Small Animal Practice, Vol 21:1 Tick Transmitted Diseases, 1991.
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