HOSTS for Ixodes holocyclus
The paralysis tick of Australia (Ixodes holocyclus) appears to be able to feed on all warm-blooded animals (including humans) and some birds.
Whilst texts seem to omit reptiles from the Ixodes holoclyclus host record, this is contradicted by some observations (Bill Conroy, pers com 2002 NTPF3)- when found on the blue tongue lizard, it is usually attached in locations where the scales are least protective, such as around the eyes. Geckos are apparently also able to permit engorgement of the 3 stages of Ixodes holocyclus (Neil Warne, pers com 2002 , NTPF3)
Fatal cases of tick paralysis are most common in dogs and cats, but deaths have been reported in humans and most species of domestic animals, particularly young calves, lambs, foals, pigs and goats. Most domestic animals, other than dogs and cats, become more resistant to paralysis as they grow larger and older.
Native fauna
Australia's native fauna, particularly the bandicoots and possums, are the natural hosts of the tick and are therefore commonly infested. Native animal hosts include: Perameles nasuta (Long-nosed bandicoot), Antechinus flavipes, Dasyurus maculatus (Tiger quoll), Isoodon obesulus (Southern brown bandicoot), Isoodon macrourus (Northern brown, Short-nosed bandicoot), and spp (bandicoots), Trichosurus vulpecula (brushtail possum), T. caninus, T. vulpecula johnstonii and spp (possums), Phascogale tapoatafa (brush-tailed phascogale), Phascolarctos cinereus (koala), Wallabia bicolor (Swamp wallaby), Wallabia dorsalis, Wallabia rufogrisea (wallabies), Macropus spp (kangaroos), Tachyglossus aculeatus (echidna), Thylogale stigmatica (red necked pademelon), Dendrolagus lumholtzi (lumholtz tree kangaroo), Aepyprymnus rufescens (rufous rat kangaroo), and Smithopsis murina (the grey marsupial-mouse). Recently the striped possum (Dactylopsila trivirgata) has also been found to be a host (Janey Jackson, 1998). Pteropus conspicillatus (spectacled flying fox) also periodically suffers heavy losses from tick paralysis in Northern Queensland.
Affected birds include: magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen), domestic fowl, duck, crimson rosella (Platycercus elegans), pied butcher bird (Cracticus nigroagularis), crow (Corvus coronoides) the domestic turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)and Pitta spp. They have also been collected from emus at the UNSW Cowan field station (S Doggett,
Introduced animals
Other species recorded are Oryctolagus cuniculus (wild and laboratory), Cavia porcellus (laboratory), and many Rattus spp (R. rattus, R. norvegicus, R. fuscipes assimilis, R conatus, R sordidus, R. culmorum), Uromys caudimaculatus, Uromys sp, laboratory mouse, Melomys lutillus littoralis, M cervipines, Hydromys chrysogaster (water rat), Canis familiaris dingo (dingo) and monkey (zoo).
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